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Opalesque Futures Intelligence

Entering a Critical Moment in History

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The derivatives industry is at a historic point in time. Unregulated derivatives that contributed to the economic collapse in 2008 are on the verge of being regulated despite a tidal wave of lobbying to prevent, derail and deny these regulations.

While there has been much consternation regarding implementation of Dodd-Frank and Volcker Rule regulations, in this issue Robert Printz points to the positives for investors in the article "Dodd-Frank and Volcker Rule Create New Relative Value and Defensive Long Only Opportunities."

Speaking of Dodd-Frank, in among his last likely interviews with Opalesque while at the CFTC, colorful Commissioner Bart Chilton didn't hold back, making some of the most controversial and interesting statements regarding Dodd-Frank and government regulation to date.  After this we take a look at CFTC nominee Timothy Massad and some surprising on the record statements and off the record analysis of what to expect from a Massad CFTC at this very critical moment in derivatives history.

After this former National Futures Association executive James Bibbings and lawyer Nicole Kuchera discuss challenges to binary options. This follows an interesting white paper from John Bhakdi, who has an algorithmic method to determine asset allocations in a venture capital fund. After this we take a look at MF Global customers receiving all their funds returned and check in on the inaugural Altegris CTA Challenge.

I hope you enjoy and benefit from this publication.

Best Regards,
Mark Melin, Editor

This article was published in Opalesque Futures Intelligence.
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